Vision Sunday Greater John 14:12-15
Acadianabaptist   -  

January 29, 2023 MW Acadiana BC

Quick history of ABC, increased attendance, increased giving

Mission: Help people get from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Vision: To see every person LEARN the Bible to LIVE the Bible.
Path: Connect, Grow, Serve, Go

I believe it will be our GREATEST year yet! We will be experiencing some GREAT things this year, the biggest of which is PAYING OFF THIS BUILDING!
o Paying off building
o Taking on Pastor salary at $250 per week
o More clearly defined ministry path…it will act like a personal checklist
 Connect=membership
 Grow=extra Bible Study
 Serve=find a place and commit
 Go=on a mission trip
o Training audio/visual assistant, assistant
song leader and teachers
o Youth Ministry Expansion beginning August
o Setting a new sign on SSW side of building
o Creating & staffing a new Central Hub/Welcome area w/ clear signage
o Update the Tan Room to be MORE than just the Tan Room
o Getting a small storage building
John 14:12-15

The Bible is a book of vision. In fact, it says in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”. To us, the word, “perish” means to die but Solomon’s readers heard something else. They heard that without vision, or God’s revelation, the people have no boundaries, they run wild, they have no restraint.

It’s the cycle we see in the book of Judges: Israel sins, God judges, Israel repents, God delivers, Israel sins and the cycle goes on and on. Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

The Bible is a book of vision and vision is important!
• God gave 80 yr. old Moses a vision of greater things that he would do in his future.
• God gave Joshua who had seen all God did from Egypt until now, that he would see God do greater things in his future.
• Isaiah saw a vision of God, HIGH and LIFTED up and it fueled his ministry to the end, 64 years!
• Stephen, on his death bed, saw the Lord STANDING and it comforted his last breaths on Earth.
• Peter saw a vision of God’s plan to reach the World and he crossed a HARD racial boundary after he saw it and gave his life in service of God’s vision

Jesus was a vision caster: a vision for salvation, sanctification and for ministry.

As we look briefly at the words of our Lord, we see HOW we will accomplish all that He has in store for us this year, and beyond.

A. Faith v. 12a
B. Fruitfulness v. 12b
1. do the works Jesus did
2. do greater works than Jesus
3. assistance of the Holy Spirit
C. Prayer v. 13-14

A. Greater Love v. 15a
1. greater love for Jesus
2. greater love for church
3. greater love for souls
B. Greater Obedience v. 15b
1. the great commandment
2. the great commission

I believe that God is going to do something GREAT this year in ABC because He wants to do something GREAT in your life!

However, I can believe that all day long for you and for us, but YOU have to believe it!

Will you commit to believing God for the greater things than you can imagine He wants to do? How is your faith?

Will you pray? Wil you commit to doing the works Jesus did?